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The Sunday Class
Page last updated 7 th November 2023 
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Celebrating 90  Years of  the  Banffshire  RSCDS  Branch with a Book of 12 Dances &  A’ the  best  again  fae  Banffshire  CD by Ewan Galloway & Shona MacFadyen and a chance to buy their 75 th  Jubilee CD (& book) A’ the best fae Banffshire   with the Colin Dewar Band
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As   our   stock   has   grown,   a   reorganisation   of   this   area   has   become   necessary   and   this   front   page   will   show information   about   recent   additions   and   special   offers,   with   further   details   to   be   found   in   one   of   two   new sections: CDs, and their corresponding Dance Books if available Go   here   for   The   Sunday   Class   CDs   and/or   their   Dance   Books,   collections   from   Belfast,   Leeds, Sheffield,   Stirling,   Banffshire,   Dunfermline,   Newcastle,   Nova   Scotia   RSCDS   Branches   etc.   - most   of   these   offer   a   reduced   price   to   buy   the   set   -   and   also   in   this   section   will   be   all   the stocked   ‘individual’   CDs,   including   all   available   Marian   Anderson’s   recordings,   Scotch   Mist,   The Chris Dewhurst Band, Ian Robertson, plus many others. Dance Books In   this   section   are   details   of   the   growing   number   of   Dance   Books   available,   for   which   there   is   no specified   CD,   for   instance   all   9   of   Francis   Walduck’s   books,   including   the   last   3   produced   by Queensland Branch of his previously unpublished 40+ dances. From   both   sections   you   will   arrive   at   the   familiar   shop   ‘counter’   with   its   sporrans   waiting   to   be   filled,   so you will still be able to do all your shopping in one place, there will just be less detailed information there.
Welcome to The Sunday Class Shop
From    the    first    days    of    the    pandemic    in    2020,    Ewan Galloway   played   “live”   on   Facebook,   and   9pm   on   Friday evening   was   the   start   time   of   Friday   Fun   Night,   which evolved   over   time   to   become   The   Stagger   Inn,   a   virtual pub with over 350 regulars from all corners of the globe. This   Book   of   12   Dances   has   been   created   by   9   devisers, with    original    music    from    11    renowned    musicians    (all Stagger   Inn   regulars),   and   is   accompanied   by   the   CD which Ewan has recorded in the pub itself!
Newcastle upon Tyne & District RSCDS 70th Anniversary 1950 - 2020 16 Dances by Sheila Trafford with CD by Marian Anderson & Iain MacPhail & their Bands
With   publication   (and   all   celebrating!)   delayed   for   2   years   by   the   pandemic,   this   long-anticipated project   offers   a   complete   range   of   dances,   both   in   terms   of   tempo   and   standard,   with   much   for musicians too - there is sheet music for all the original tunes, by at least 7 well-known musicians. There   are   8   tracks   each   by   Marian Anderson’s   Scottish   Dance   Band   and   Iain   MacPhail   &   his   Scottish Dance Band mixed throughout the CD, so plenty of interest if you are listening to the whole CD.
The Argentine Collection 2020
In   October   2019   Jim   Stott   visited   Argentina,   for   a   holiday   and   to   teach   a   workshop   in   Buenos   Aires.   Finding himself   with   time   on   his   hands   during   the   Lockdowns   in   2020,   he   wrote   14   dances,   ranging   from   easy   to intermediate   with   one   or   two   more   challenging.   There   are   7   strathspeys,   3   jigs,   3   reels   and   one   square-set medley. Proceeds from the sale of the book are being donated to several Cancer Charities.
The   accompanying   CD   is   by   Susan   &   Shona   MacFadyen   with   Ewan   Galloway.   12   of   the   tracks   have   new   lead tunes by Jim Stott, Scott Band, Bill Ewan, and Ewan Galloway with sheet music printed in the Dance Book.
Ewan Galloway The Grove Collection of Scottish Country Dances Volume 2
Two   years   on   from   Volume   1,   Ewan   Galloway   has   been   back   into   his   recording   studio   to   produce   a second   CD   of   18   tracks   to   include   5   reels,   a   hornpipe,   5   jigs,   a   medley,   5   strathspeys,   and   a   march for   a   variety   of   dances   including   old   and   new   (soon   to   be?)   favourites,   three   of   which   have   the instructions   in   the   CD   booklet.   This   one-man,   5   instrument   band   has,   once   again,   created   a swinging sound with good even tempo ideal for dancing to.
This   book,   with   its   accompanying   music   recording   is   a   collection   of   dances   that can   be   used   to   introduce   a   formation   to   a   class,   with   the   chosen   formation   being   the only   unfamiliar   movement   in   the   dance.   Teaching   notes   and   Keith   Rose’s   diagram are   included   for   each   dance,   conveniently   printed   on   facing   pages,   and   the   book   is A5 and spiral-bound for easy handling when in a class situation.
Most   of   the   dances   can   be   done   in   any   tempo   and   the   first   (Green)   CD,   recorded   by Jim   Lindsay   &   his   Band,   has   tracks   for   15   of   the   dances,   though   each   track   may   be used for other dances, as needed. Jim   Lindsay   is   currently   working   on   the   Blue   CD   (17   tracks)   which   will   be   available next year.
32 Dances to Introduce Formations
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