* = Recent additions
* = Coming soon
Website designed and maintained by Microport
2010 -20
Back to the Fireside
Baldovan Reel
Balgeddie Reel
Ballylesson’s Ruby Celebrations *
The Baltic Voyager
Barbara’s Strathspey
Barry & Doreen’s Continental
Bauldy Bain’s Fiddle
The Beauty of the North
Beekeeper's Medley
The Bees of Maggieknockater
The Bees They Are a’Drummin’
The Bejant Royal
Bell Rock Reel
The Belle of Bon Accord
Best Set in the Hall
Big Mac
Bill Clement MBE
Bill Little’s Strathspey
Black Black Oil
The Black Mountain Reel
Blackford Jig
Blooms of Bon Accord
The Blue Lights of Pizza Express
Blue Mess Jacket
Bohemian Reflections
Bonnie Anne
Bonnie Beauly Blooms
The Bonnie Lass o’ Bon Accord
Bonnie Stronshiray
The Bonnie Tree
The Bon Viveur
Born to Dance
The Borrower *
Boudica’s Brooch *
Bramble Bush
Bramley House Strathspey
Brecon in March
Bridge over the Atlantic
The Bridgewater Geordie
The Brigs o’ Ayr *
The Brisk Young Lad
Bristol’s Welcome
Broadford Bay
The Bruce That Was
Buchan’s Country
Budapest Birl
The Builders of Wainfleet
Burns Bicententenary Strathspey
Butterfly Bride