The Sunday Class
Website designed and maintained by Microport  © 2010 -20
Taught/practised on: 2015 September 6 th September 27 th
THE LIBRARY OF BIRMINGHAM  (S4x40) Kenneth J Reid  RSCDS Book 49 1- 8 1s+2s, also 3s+4s, dance the Rose Progression (as round as possible!):   `1L+2M cross RH to face out whilst 1M+2L set facing diagonally `1L+2M cast Right to partner’s place whilst 1M+2L ½ turn 2H `2L+1M pull RSh back, pass 1L+2M RSh to dance out as 1L+2M ½ turn 2H `2M+1L pull RSh back, dance out to progressed place as 2L+1M dance across set  9-12 All chase clockwise ½ way 13-16 All set, ½ turn RH into allemande hold 17-22 3s+4s & 1s+2s dance 6 bars of 2-couple Allemande 23-24 All ½ turn LH to opposite sides, facing anticlockwise 25-28 All chase anticlockwise ½ way 28-32 1s+2s & 3s+4s circle 4H to the Right 33-36 All Set&Link as follows: `All set `1M dances down one place, 2M dances down 2 places, 3M casts up 2 places, 4M casts up 1 place whilst 1L casts off one place, 2L casts off 2 places, 3L dances up 2 places, 4L dances up one place (i.e ends move one place, middles move two) 37-40 3s+1s & 4s+2s circle 4H to the Left
A new public library for Birmingham, the largest in Europe, was opened by Malala Yousafzai** on 3 rd   September 2013. The Dutch architect, Francine Houben, designed a building whose exterior is extensively covered with black and silver circles. **