The Sunday Class
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Taught/practised on: 2013 January 13 th
LINKS WITH ST PETERSBURG  (J8x32)  Malcolm Brown  RSCDS Book 46  1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link ending 2s facing 1s NHJ, 2s & 1s Set+Link with partners  (2)(1)3  9-16 1s followed by 2s dance down for 3 bars & change places with Lady dancing under Man’s arm, 2s+1s dance up to 1 st  & 2 nd  places 17-24 2M+1M turn LH as 2L+1L turn RH, 1M+3M turn RH as 1L+3L turn LH & 1s end facing 1 st  corners 25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & petronella turn to 2 nd  place own sides
Devised by Malcolm Brown, York and North Humberside, and presented to the St Petersburg group in February 2009 before publication by the RSCDS in Book 46. St. Andrew is the patron saint of both Scotland and Russia and the following quote comes from The St. Petersburg Times (4 th  December 2001): One of the much-awaited landmarks of the local giving season is the annual St. Andrew's Ball, which was held this year on Dec. 1 at the Astoria Hotel. The event is organized and promoted by the Petersburg Caledonia Regional Charity Organization. Petersburg Caledonia "is no ordinary Tartan-toting St. Andrew's society or whisky-sipping Scottish club," says Adrian Terris, who is president and founder of Petersburg Caledonia. In addition to helping charities, the club introduces and promotes Scottish culture among Russians and expats and helps to develop Russian and Scottish business links. The name of the club itself, Petersburg Caledonia, embodies a strong two-way relationship between the countries. The highlights of Petersburg Caledonia's annual social calendar include the St. Andrew's Ball, the Burns' Suppers and the Highland Games. The organization was set up in 1998 after representatives of the local House of Friendship -which, in Soviet times, was the only official organization promoting business and cultural links between Russians and foreigners - approached Terris. Amazingly, the House of Friendship had already been holding Burns' Suppers for 15 years. Terris explains, the "Burns' Supper is a highly traditional Scottish activity at which guys get together and read poetry. Robert Burns' poetry." So really, what does it take to be a true Scotsman? First of all, Haggis must be taken seriously. Robert Burns even wrote a poem about it. Terris says that one of his most beautiful memories from a local Burns' Supper is of "two Scotsmen fighting over the quality of a Haggis and whether or not it even was a Haggis." Secondly ... well, even Scots themselves haven't quite decided what comes next: drink or poetry. Terris passionately explains that the beauty of Burns' poetry is that he combines such disparate themes and ideas as nationalism, brotherhood, religious idealism and anti-establishment values. "The common denominator of it all was his love of women," he says. "And drink," adds Doug MacDonald, launch training manager at Ford Motor Company and the club's chieftain for the past year. Needless to say, the third and most vital ingredient in the Scottish mix is their unique sense of humor. The United Kingdom's Consul General Barbara Hay's heartfelt opening speech touched everyone at the St. Andrew's Ball. She urged all present to consider not only Scotland's past, but also to think of its present and future. "Poverty shaped us and taught us that nothing in life comes without effort and self-reliance." She emphasized that, for a country of its size, Scotland's contribution to all spheres of human endeavor is extraordinary in its scale. She emphasized the idea of "Scottishness" with its "paradoxes, ironies, contrasts and contradictions" by quoting John Buchan who wrote of two "master elements" in the Scottish character: "hard-headedness on the one hand and romance on the other; common sense and sentiment; practicality and poetry; business and idealism." A portrait of Tsar Nicholas II cast an approving, if somewhat bemused eye over the multitude of Tartan displayed at the ball. One couldn't help but think that he would be pleased by the re-establishment of the long-standing ties between Russia and Scotland.