The Sunday Class
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THE SOUND OF HARRIS (R3x48)  John Drewry  Canadian Book  1- 8 1s set, cross down RH into Double Triangle position & all set, 1s turn 1 st  corners RH to form lines across 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s  9-16 All set & change places RH with opposite dancer, set & cross back RH, 1s turning to face up in centre (one behind the other) & 2s+3s facing down on sides 17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Tandem reel of 3 across (1M+1L, 3L+2L & 3M+2M each pair dancing as 1 person), 1s end in centre 1M giving LH to 2M+3M & 1L RH to 2L+3L 25-32 Men dance LH across & Ladies RH across once round, continue but change places with partner when passing thru centre (as Alison Rose) 33-40 1s followed by 3s+2s dance up, cross & cast to 2 3 1 & all turn partners RH 41-48 All circle 6H round & back
For Valerie Harris of Hamilton, Ontario. The Sound of Harris is the area of sea between Harris and North Uist in the Outer Hebrides; it is also Valerie's laugh!
Taught/practised on: