The Sunday Class
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The dance was written to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Milton Keynes Branch of the RSCDS and the original tune is Jan's Jig by David Cunningham. The name "Milton Keynes" is not an amalgamation of the names of two former villages: "Milton" and "Keynes". Neither is it named after the poet (Milton) and the economist (Keynes). The town of "Milton" was recorded in the Domesday Book as "Mideltone" in 1086. In the 12 th  century, a manorial grant was given to the "de Cahaignes" family, who settled there. The name was anglicized into "Kaynes" by the 13 th  century. From "Mideltone Kaynes (recorded in 1227) the modern English name of "Milton Keynes" was derived.
MIDELTONE SILVER  (J5x32) Sue Petyt  Lochmaben Collection  1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s ¾ turn on sides (Ladies RH, Men LH), 1s+2s also 3s+4s set (1s & 3s BtoB with partners)  5- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s ¾ turn on sides (Ladies RH, Men LH), 1s & 3s pass RSh to face opposite sides in double triangle position  9-16 All dance Double Triangles 17-24 1s & 3s dance Pass+Turn with 1 st  corners & Pass+Turn with 2 nd  corners ending 2 nd /4 th  place opposite sides 25-32 1s & 3s turn RH & dance up, cast on opposite sides round 2s/4s & cross down to 3 rd /5 th  places
Taught/practised on: 2012 July 29 th 2014 January 5 th January 19 th March 2 nd