The Sunday Class
Website designed and maintained by Microport  © 2010 -20
Taught/practised on:
2010 June 27 th July 11 th 2019 April 28 th
DAVID RUSSELL HALL (R8x40)  Ken Whittle  RSCDS Book 42  1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance between 3s & cast up to join LH with partner & RH with 2 nd  corners  9-16 1s+2 nd  corners Balance-in-Line, face corners & set, turn corners RH & pass partner LSh to face 3 rd  corners (position) while 1 st  corners set turning left to dance clockwise ½ way to change places & set 17-20 1s dance ½ diagonal RSh reel of 4 with corners to join LH with partner & RH with corners 21-28 Repeat bars 9-16 & 1s end facing 2 nd  corners (position) 29-32 1s dance ½ diagonal reel with corners, give LH briefly to end LSh/LSh 33-40 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple
David Russell Hall was a student residential complex owned by the University of St. Andrews. The original hall was built in the 1960s and comprised a series of independent blocks, or houses, connected by covered walkways and set amid gardens. These buildings were demolished in 2003-6 and replaced by the David Russell Apartments. David Russell Hall was given to the university by David Francis Oliphant Russell in memory of his father, Sir David Russell, who was Managing Director of Tullis Russell, the Fife paper-making firm. David F.O. Russell was a distinguished soldier, a successful humanitarian businessman and a gifted man, combining a first-class brain with energy, wisdom and humour, who maintained his interest in the University of St. Andrews throughout his life, becoming chancellor’s assessor in 1963 and finance convener from 1964 to 1977.