The Sunday Class
Website designed and maintained by Microport  © 2010 -20
Taught/practised on:
2011 October 9 th
This dance was devised in 2004 and is published in Lochmaben Collection 4. The full instructions are available on Sue’s website.
THE RED SQUIRREL REEL (R8x40) Sue Petyt  1- 8 1s set, dance down and cast round 3s into 2 nd  place own sides (2s step up on bars 5 and 6), 1s set  9-16  1s ½ turn and twirl to face 1 st  corners, dance ½ reel of 4 with 1 st  corners ending 1L facing down, between 2L & 3L, and 1M between 2M & 3M facing up, 1s set 17-24 1s ½ turn and twirl to face 2 nd  corners, dance ½ reel of 4 with 2 nd  corners finishing in 2 nd  place opposite sides, 1s set 25-32  1s petronella and set (1L between 2s in 3 rd  place & 1M between 3s in 1 st  place), 1s dance ½ RSh reel of 3 across 33-40  1s petronella to 2 nd  place own side and set, 1s dance ½ RSh reel of 3 on the sides