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MUIRLAND WILLIE  (J8x32)  RSCDS Book 21  1- 4 1s lead down middle, cross over & cast up to 2 nd  place while 2s set & cross RH to 3 rd  place while 3s cast up to 1 st  place & cross RH  5- 8 All set & ½ turn 2H to own side  9-16 Repeat bars 1- 8 from new positions 17-24 1s lead up to 1 st  place & set, 1s+2s set advancing 25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
Little seems to be known about this dance, which is by an unknown deviser. 'A Collection of Old Ballads', an anonymous book published 1723 - 1725 in three volumes in London by Roberts and Leach, contains a few Scottish items in the third volume - "The Broom of Cowdenknowes", "Bessy Bell and Mary Gray", "Muirland Willie" and "The Gaberlunzie Man". Kidson (1890) remarks the original for "Muirland Willie" is said to be a country dance tune by the name of "Lord Frog and Lady Mouse," popular in several ballad operas of the 18th century. Earlier, the tune appears in John Playford's 1669 and 1687 editions of Apollo's Banquet under the title "The Northern Lass".