The Sunday Class
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THIS ONE'S FOUR ISOBEL (S4x32) Terry Glasspool 4 person dance (numbered clockwise from 1M position) 1- 8  1 and 4 dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2/3 (4 passing in front of 1) to change places and dance ½ R&L (up/down to start) to end 3 1 4 2  9-16  3+1 also 2+4 Set+Link and continue turn to end in line of 4 up/down and dance ½ reel of 4 to end in line 2 4 3 1  17-24  All set advancing towards and pass facing person, 2+1 turn ¾ 2H while 4+3 dance clockwise ¼ to form line of 4 across, all set advancing towards and pass facing person, 3+4 turn ¾ 2H while 2+1 chase clockwise ¼ to end in line up/down 2 4 3 1  25-32  2+4 also 3+1 set and ¾ turn 2H to end with 2+4 at top facing up and 3+1 facing down, all dance in and cast to end 2 4 1 3
2011 July 31 st
This dance is for Isobel Jackson, of "Argyll," New Jersey. The suggested recording is "Mary Hamilton" from The Bobby Brown Collection CD or The Island Fling LP.
Taught/practised on: