The Sunday Class
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Taught/practised on: 2012 October 28 th
THE ROYAL PATRON  (R8x32) Philip Whitley  Queen’s Diamond Jubilee  1- 8 1L casts 2 places and 1M follows her but casts 1 place, 1L crosses below 3s and casts up around 3M to end between 3s, while 1M crosses below 2s and casts up around 2M to end between 2s, all facing down  9-16 1L+3s and 1M+2s dance down the middle, 2s & 3s & 1L pull back RSh, 2s+3s dance back up while 1s turn RH 1¼  moving up to finish between 3s, facing opposite sides (3M, 1L, 1M, 3L) 17-20 3s+1s dance ½ RSh reel of 4 21-24 1s turn LH 1½ moving up to finish between 2s facing own side (2M, 1M, 1L, 2L) while 3s set and cross RH 25-28 2s+1s dance ½ LSh reel of 4 29-32 1s turn LH moving down to 2 nd  place (4 bars) while 2s set and cross RH Mervyn Short’s Teaching Notes:  1- 8 The phrasing is - bars 1-3, 1L cast below 3L while 1M cross & cast below 2L; bars 4-5, cross; bar 6, cast up; bars 7-8, in & down. Cover. 13-16 1s allow 2s+3s to dance up before they progress up the centre of set with turn. 13-20 1s turn RIGHT hand and dance half RIGHT shoulder reel. 21-28 1s turn LEFT hand and dance half LEFT shoulder reel. 29-32 1M & 2M should aim to cover. 32 1L ends facing out to repeat.
This dance was devised by Philip Whitley, Edinburgh Branch, “as a tribute to our gracious Patron Her Majecty Queen Elizabeth II and dedicated to Robert H Mackay who suggested the title and the original tune”. The tune used is Miss Wilhelmina McDowal’s Reel - of Arndilly by William Marshall.