The Sunday Class
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Taught/practised on: 2013 October 13 th October 27 th 2019 April 28 th
THE DESBOROUGH CROSS (R1x96) Sq. set Francis Walduck  Dancing Brolga 1  1– 4 Ladies dance across set, LSh around Man opposite, to his Lady’s position (Each Lady let lady on right pass in front as she dances across the set)  5– 8 Ladies dance LH across once round and LSh around same Man  9–16 All dance a double Ladies’ Chain finishing in Lady’s new position 17–24 Men dance across the set, pass partner RSh, dance RH across once round and RSh around their partner to beside partner 25–32 All dance a double Men’s Chain, finishing facing partner in new positions 33–36 All set to partner, change places RH and face corner 37–40 All dance LSh around corner (gypsy turn) to face partner 41–48 All turn partner RH 1½ times, set to partner and petronella turn (Ladies BtoB in centre facing out, partners facing in) 49–56 All set, Ladies dance RSh round partner, dance in and right to face next man, change places RH to put Men in centre BtoB 57–64 Men repeat bars 49–56, finishing with Ladies in centre 65–72 All dance a double reel of four 73–88 Repeat bars 49–64 with Men turning Ladies into promenade hold facing clockwise on last 2 bars (all now back in original positions) 89–96 All Promenade clockwise once round the set, dropping hands on bar 96, putting Ladies BtoB in centre for bow and curtsey
This dance was devised by Francis Walduck, RSCDS teacher in Brisbane, for his friends John & Jean Bell who moved back to England from Cairns, Queensland, Australia to Desborough, UK.